Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 12/30/22

Year: 2022

The main purpose of Manufacturing Technologies and Applications (MATECA) is to contribute to sustainable production by ensuring that the results of research, development and application studies in manufacturing processes are collected in a written source. The journal also contributes to the rapid spread of innovative concepts and communication channels among experts and researchers in research and academic institutions related to professional workers and investment institutions serving in the manufacturing industry. In this context, original research and review articles and technical notes are published in the journal.

Manufacturing Technologies and Applications is an international refereed journal published only three times a year in April, August and December. Additional numbers and special issues are published if needed. The scope of Manufacturing Technologies and Applications includes the following areas:
-Traditional and nontraditional machining methods
-Additive manufacturing
-Casting, forming and molding methods
-Powder metallurgy and coating methods
-Welding, joining and assembly
-Design, modeling and simulation
-Imaging, control and automation

Original scientific articles for publication in the Manufacturing Technologies and Applications must be submitted online after registration is completed on the journal website (http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/mateca). Click (EN)(Template) (TR)(Sample Article) for a sample article.

Font and Page Layout

1. The margins for each side (right-left, top-bottom) of the page structure should be 2 cm. Page numbers should be at the bottom and middle of the page.
2. The articles sent to the journal should be prepared using single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font. Each paragraph should be indented 0.5 cm left and no space should be left between paragraphs.

Article Text
3. The article should consist of Turkish title, Turkish abstract, Author information, English title, English abstract, keywords under the abstracts, followed by introduction, main text, conclusion, acknowledgments, references and appendices.
4. Articles should be based on the Turkish Language Association's spelling guide and spelling rules. When using unconventional words in Turkish, the foreign language equivalent can be given in parentheses at the first occurrence.
5. In the article (Text, tables, graphics, figures, etc.) the SI unit system should be based and a point should be used in decimal notation.
6. All of the headings, subheadings, figure and table explanations used in the text should be in English, and for English articles, the Turkish version should be specified in parentheses in 10 points.

Title and Author Information
7. Turkish and English titles should be written over the Turkish and English abstracts, with the first letter capitalized, single-spaced, left aligned, Times New Roman, 14 points and bold.
8. In the works to be sent, the names of the authors should be written in 11 points under the Turkish title. The imprint information of the author should be added under the names of the authors in 9 points with a star or numbered footnote.

Summary and Keywords
9. All submitted articles must include Turkish and English abstracts. Keywords should be written in English/Turkish with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, with the first letter capitalized under the abstract. The titles of the abstracts should be written with the first letter capitalized and left aligned. The abstract of the article should be a minimum of 120 words and a maximum of 250 words.
10. Abstracts and Keywords should be written in Times New Roman font, 10 pt and 9 pt, single-spaced, respectively. Only the titles of these sections should be bold.

Main Text and Section Headings
11. The main text should be written using Times New Roman font, 12 points, single-spaced and justified. The first lines of paragraphs should start 0.5 cm inside. The main title and subheadings of the article should be numbered in decimal form such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1, starting from the Introduction (excluding the References) and written in bold. Subheadings should be made up to the third level (such as 1.1.2.) at the most in the text, and if necessary, lower-level headings should be written in italics and bold (without numbers). The first relevant title should be left aligned with its number, and the subheadings related to this title should start 1 cm inside with their numbering. In the article, the main headings should be in capital letters, only the first letter of the 2nd degree subheadings should be capitalized, and the first word of the 3rd degree subheadings should be in capital letters. Single line spacing should be left before and after the headings.

Tables, Figures and Graphics
12. Tables, figures and graphics should be centered on the page in a way that is numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2, Graphic 1, Graphic 2 etc.) in appropriate places in the text. Each table, figure or graphic should be given a title. The title should be written in Times New Roman, 10 points above the table, below the figure or graphic. A single point should be placed after the table, figure or graphic number and the title of the table, figure or graphic should be written. The paragraph spacing between the Title and the Table, Figure or Graphic should be "then 6 pt". Tables can also be used horizontally if needed. The text in tables, figures and graphics should be at least 9 points.
13. Tables should not be included in the text as a software program output, the author(s) should bring the results into tables themselves. The resolution of the figures should be at least 300 dpi.

Mathematical Equations
14. Mathematical equations/formulas should be written in the text as left aligned. Mathematical equations and formulas should be numbered in the article. Numbering should be done in parentheses at the far right of the line.

15. If the study is supported by a research institution or fund, the name of the supporting institution/organization and the project number should be written before the References section.

16. References in the text should be given in square brackets. References should be written in the formats given below in the references section, in 11 points.
Journal article: Author's initial (.) surname, full title of the article, Journal name or international abbreviation, volume number (issue): start-end page number, year.
- M. Günay, İ. Korkut, E. Aslan, U. Şeker, Experimental investigation of the effect of cutting tool rake angle on main cutting force, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 166(1): 44-49, 2005.
- B. Özlü, M. Akgün, H. Demir, AA 6061 Alaşımının tornalanmasında kesme parametrelerinin yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerine etkisinin analizi ve optimizasyonu, Gazi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2): 151-158, 2019.
Book: The first letter of the author's name (.), the surname, the name of the book, the volume number, the editor, if any, the name of the publishing house, the place of publication, the year.
- E.M. Trent, Metal Cutting, 2nd ed., Butterworths, London, 1989.
- M.C. Çakır, Modern Talaşlı İmalat Yöntemleri, 2. baskı, Dora Yayıncılık, Bursa, 2010.
A chapter from the book: The first letter of the name of the chapter author(.), the surname, the name of the chapter, the name of the book, if any, the editor, the name of the publishing house, the place of publication, the year.
- D. Ulutan, T. Özel, Hard machining, Modern Manufacturing Processes, M. Koç, T. Özel (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2019.
Conference publication: Author's initial (.) surname, name of the paper, name of the congress, day/month/year, place of publication.
- A. Parlak, R. Kaçar, H. Ertek Emre, Adjoining of AA6033 Aluminum-AH36 Grade steel coupling with robotic GMAK method using transition plate, 4th International Conference on Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences, 24-28 April 2019, Kiev.
- N. Yaşar, M.E. Korkmaz, M. Günay. CFRP kompozitlerin delinmesinde delme şartlarının ilerleme kuvveti ve delaminasyon üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi, 7th International Symposium on Machining, 3-5 Kasım 2016, İstanbul.
Standard: Standard no, name of the standard, place of publication, year.
- ASTM E8, Standard test methods for tension testing of metallic materials, ASTM International, 2004.
Report: Author's first letter(.) surname, name of report, name of company/institution, place of publication, year.
- H.A. Soons, S.L. Yaniv, Precision in machining: research challenges, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, 2015.
Thesis: Author's first letter (.), surname, name of the thesis, type (master's, doctorate), university and institute where it was presented, city, country, year.
- T. Meral, Paslanmaz çeliğin delinebilirliğinin deneysel ve nümerik olarak incelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karabük Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Karabük, Türkiye, 2018.
- M.W. Dixon, Application of neural networks to solve the routing problem in communication networks, Ph.D. Dissertation, Murdoch University, Murdoch, WA, Australia, 1999.
Online references: Author(s) or responsible institution, title of publication, web page, URL, access date.
- Texas Instruments, RS-422 and RS-485 Standards Overview and System Configurations, http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slla070d/slla070d.pdf, 20.12.2012.

In order to be published in the Manufacturing Technologies and Applications, scientific original articles should be sent online after the registration process is made via the journal web page (http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/mateca).

The journal of MATECA welcomes article submissions and does not charge any article submission or processing charges.

In the article submission steps, the contact information including at least 3 referees' Name, Surname and e-mail address should be written in the Letter to the Editor section. The proposed referees should be different from the institutions where the author (s) are located.
In cases not specified in writing, the issues adopted in scientific writing will be taken into consideration.
If you intend to apply to our journal, we recommend that you review the journal publication policy and the Author Directory on the About Journal page. Authors must register before submitting to the journal and submit the post via the Login link. Readers are encouraged to register for the broadcast notification service. This can be done through the Register link at the top of the journal home page. The Contents page is sent via e-mail whenever a new issue is published to the reader who registers for this service. As stated in the journal's privacy statement, authors' credentials and e-mail addresses will not be used for any other purpose. We recommend that research libraries include this journal in their electronic journal collection. It should be noted that the journal's open code publishing system may be suitable for use in other journals where academics using the library participate in the publishing process. Detailed information about Open Journal Systems can be obtained from the Public Knowledge Project page. The authors can publish their works published in this journal before and after publication, on their personal websites or in corporate archives, in accordance with the librarianship rules. This magazine; Adopting the principle that offering scientific researches to the public free of charge will increase the global sharing of information, it provides instant open access to its content.

The authors who published their works in this journal have accepted the following conditions:

a) The author holds the copyright of the work and gives the right to publish it first. The work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows the author to be specified and shared by others, provided that the first publication is made in this magazine.
b) The author may make separate contract arrangements for the distribution of the published version of the work without authorization (for example, to be sent to a corporate database or to be published in a book).
c) Authors are encouraged to share their works on the internet (for example, in the corporate database or on their website) before submitting them to the journal or while the submission process is in progress; this can lead to both efficient exchange of ideas and earlier and greater citation of the work (see Effect of Open Access)
The copy editing phase aims to improve the fluency, comprehensibility, grammatical structure, word selection and format of the article. This is the last opportunity for important changes the author can make in his article. Because in the next step, only the corrections regarding the typesetting and formatting will be made. Since the file to be copied is in MS Word or .rtf file format, it can be easily edited as a word processing document. Here, two approaches are proposed for corrections. The first is to use the "Track Changes" feature of the MS Word program. However, when this path is selected, the author, copy editor and editor should be able to access the program. The second proposed system is independent of software and was taken here with the permission of Harward Educational Review. The editor of the journal can change these instructions to make it more suitable for the journal's own operation.

Copy editing systems
1. When the "Track Changes" feature of MS Word and "Track Changes" feature under Tools in the Menu bar are enabled, the copy editor can make the changes it deems necessary. The texts it adds are displayed in a different color, with the strikethrough, colored or deleted in the margin. The copy editor can write whatever you want to ask the author or editor in square brackets. The document that passes through the copy editor is uploaded to the system to be sent to the editor. The editor reviews the text and presents it to the author. The editor and author approve the corrections they deem appropriate, return them to normal format, change them if they wish, or make new additions or removals in different colors. If there are questions in brackets in the text, the author and editor should answer these questions addressed to them in the relevant brackets. The copy editor, who has reviewed the text of the author and editor, revises the last one more time to confirm the changes and the text is ready for page editing and editing.

2. Instructions for making electronic edits to the draft of the article with the Harward Educational Review method When making electronic edits in the draft text, follow the method below: Responding to the proposed changes If you approve the proposed changes, change the text from the bold font to the normal font. If you do not approve the proposed changes, re-enter the original text and make a bold font. Adding and subtracting Mark the part you add in bold. Mark the text to be deleted with square brackets as follows: [text to delete] If you are deleting a sentence or more, add a note in the relevant field. For example: [2 deleted sentences: text to be deleted] Responding to questions directed to the author Do not touch, delete, leave bold fonts in the text. Add your answer to the end of the questions posed by the author as [Author's note:]. For example: [Author's note: The methodology discussion has been expanded as you suggested.] Commenting Use the Comment section to describe changes to the article edit and major revisions, for example, [Comment: The paragraph above has been moved from page 5 to page 7] Note: When giving page numbers, Use the page numbers in the printed copy that you received. Page numbers may change during electronic transactions.
An example for electronic editing
The first copy editor file, the copy editor of the Journal, reviews and edits the text in terms of fluency, comprehensibility, grammar, word selection and format, and adds the questions to be conveyed to the author where necessary. This first article uploads the completed article to the journal's web page. Sends a note to the author to review the article. Author editing file, The author should seek the views of the editors who follow the article before making major changes to the structure or layout of the originally edited article. It should answer all the questions posed by approving the changes made during the initial arrangement, approving them if they do not see them, and rejecting them. When the author completes this process, he must change the file name from YazaradiQA.doc to YazaradiQAR.doc (eg: LeeQAR.doc instead of LeeQA.doc) and upload it to the web page. The final copy editing will confirm the changes made by the Journal copy editor and will integrate the answers with the text and prepare the final copy. After uploading the final copy to the magazine web page, it will alert the page layout editor to complete the formatting.

No fee is charged in the journal article submission, process and publication stages.